Computer Science & Engineering Department

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Computer Science & Engineering

Every walk of life is highly competitive in today’s world, so is Education. It is important to know the truth that the learning is never complete and success is never final, because we all believe that the “Growth” is possible only when a student selects the right discipline.

Computer science is about problem solving. Thus, the qualities of a good student include a passion for finding elegant solutions, an ability to use mathematical analysis and logical rigor to evaluate such solutions, creativity in modeling complex problems through the use of abstractions, attention to details and hidden assumptions, an ability to recognize variants of the same problem in different settings, and being able to retarget known efficient solutions to problems in new settings. If you like to solve puzzles, then computer science is for you!


Department of Computer Science and Engineering acts as the nurturing ground for young professionals who can make their mark and to create a talent pool for various industries. The basic aim of the department is to maintain excellence in academics as well as research. The students are given an opportunity to obtain sound understanding of the concepts. Their foundation in Computer science will be such that they would be preferred by the industries and service sector to meet the global requirements. The department focuses on the study of theoretical foundation of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementations and opportunity in computer science.

Taking into account the speed at which the world is changing, it is increasingly apparent that the right education is the guiding light that will enable us to retain clarity of thought and vision. The Department of CSE with awareness and adaptability ingrained in our foundation brings up students academically competent, ethically sensitive and socially active.